Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sock Monkey

So this is a mural I did over Easter weekend.  It's for a soon-to-be beautiful little boy.  His hip mom wanted a sock monkey theme for the nursery.  She actually picked out the paints for this project and I think she was spot on. 

Hip mom brought me two images she found from a website that sales wall decals.  She liked the tree from one image and the monkeys from another.  The website never returned her email when she inquired about making a custom decal.  That's when she enlisted me. 

For this project I was going to use a projector but with the low angle of the ceiling and me really wanting to frame the crib I ended up free-handing it.  It took me a total of two full days


  1. what colors did you use? if you still have the info? i like the wall color

  2. I ❤ this! I want this! This is the exact tree and monkeys that I've been looking for.

  3. I'd like to know the paint colors too. I'm doing this exact one too!❤🤎
