As I mentioned in my FAQs tab, it's difficult to say what a mural will cost without knowing what the client wants first but I'm the kinda person who needs to know a ball park figure before I can start dreaming up things so that's what I've done here with these examples. These prices are a mixture of charging by the hour and by the square foot which really ends up close to being the same. And this is labor only, not including paint.
The Red room and Star Wars rooms - $350. The Red room had 10 ft ceilings and was done entirely on a ladder, even though the size was not huge it had a crazy amount of detail. The Star Wars room was a medium size as well and as you can see was very detailed as well.
The Green tree nursery - $275.

The Flower power and Sock monkey rooms - $400. They were entire walls with multiple colors. If I were to do a single flower or the one limb with the monkey I would only charge $100
Amazing Amy! It looks like so much fun. I wish you all the best with your wonderful talent.
How do I buy these? Are they wall decals? Or eill I have to paint it? Details please. I'm in ❤ with the sock monkey room. I've got to have it!🙂 Please call me @ (251)424-2908 or e-mail me asap. I have 2 months left to get his room ready.